Monday, May 6, 2019

Five guidelines to complete your MBA dissertation like a pro

Are you currently pursuing a career in business or finance? The final hurdle you need to overcome and secure a perfect career in MBA is a top-notch MBA dissertation. Drafting a perfect dissertation involves rigorous research work and numerous days of planning. Instead of stressing about those grueling months, follow these guidelines to plan and organize your dissertation efficiently.

1. Prepare a long term and short term study planner:-
Divide your dissertation into several short, manageable sections and work on them throughout the year. Get yourself a yearly planner and set targets in groups of months or weeks.
For example, you can keep the first two weeks as a pre-research phase where you brainstorm through the most relevant MBA dissertation topics.
Thorough methodical research will help you to find a suitable area to contribute to the academic knowledge pool.

2. Prepare a winning dissertation proposal:-
Before you start writing your MBA dissertation you have to submit a proposal.
It will be mandatory to get your supervisors’ approval before you finalize the dissertation topic. Mention in your proposal the dissertation topic, the areas you will cover, the questions you aim to answer, the methodology you will follow and the limitations of your work.

 3. Start your research immediately:-  
Don’t keep procrastinating the research work. You will get enough time to relax once you submit your dissertation. The most critical part of your research work starts once you finalize the topic. It will take you several months to gather relevant materials for your dissertation. So get started with your MBA dissertation writing immediately.

4. Write down the bibliography:-
Note down the names of all the books and online journals from which you are gathering information. You will need this information to prepare the bibliography. It will become extremely difficult to remember the authors and the books if you do not proceed methodically from the very beginning. An organized bibliography of your MBA dissertation will help you to avoid plagiarism in your paper.

5. Write the first draft:-
Start writing your paper as soon as you complete your research. Your dissertation is going to be lengthy. An average MBA dissertation paper is about 30,000 to 50,000 words long. Confirm the word limit with your professors and keep at least two to three months in your yearly planner to write the first draft.
You will need the rest of the months to revise and edit the document to make it flawless.
 You can also take help with editing and proofreading from MBA dissertation writing services. The experts are adept at identifying the areas of improvement and will tweak the paper accordingly to make your dissertation stand apart from the rest.

Five guidelines to complete your MBA dissertation like a pro

Are you currently pursuing a career in business or finance? The final hurdle you need to overcome and secure a perfect career in MBA is a ...